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PLANET4B project

Better decisions for biodiversity and people

We rely on biodiversity for our very existence – it provides us with the basic ecosystem services that allow us to survive and thrive. Yet human lives and the biosphere itself are under threat due to the loss of biodiversity occurring at a massive scale, and at an accelerating pace. Despite the mounting scientific evidence on the importance of biodiversity, it still takes a back seat to political and other agendas. How can we change this alarming situation? How can we make better decisions for biodiversity and people on individual and institutional level?

PLANET4B project

Better decisions for biodiversity and people

We rely on biodiversity for our very existence – it provides us with the basic ecosystem services that allow us to survive and thrive. Yet human lives and the biosphere itself are under threat due to the loss of biodiversity occurring at a massive scale, and at an accelerating pace. Despite the mounting scientific evidence on the importance of biodiversity, it still takes a back seat to political and other agendas. How can we change this alarming situation? How can we make better decisions for biodiversity and people on individiual and institutional level?

Latest news

  • Critcal Lens – Outdoor Cinema Sessions with PLANET4B


    This Summer PLANET4B partner CGE Erfurt organized an outdoor cinema session for young people. Easy summer entertaintment? Hardly. The aim of the screening was to spread awareness about the importance of biodiversity and in addition to test how critical thinking is influenced by documentaries. Therefore, the participants were both learning and taking part in a social science experiment. The main goal of the PLANET4B project is to identify and explore creative methods that help prioritize biodiversity in our decision-making. Read the [...]

  • Entry points for change


    Sharing lessons learnt and identifying entry points to upscale findings is a crucial part of PLANET4B, and project partner UNEP-WCMC has been engaging with policymakers and businesses to fulfil this goal. […]

  • Bridging Disciplines – The PLANET4B Blueprint for Transformative Biodiversity Research


    The latest analysis (Transdisciplinary diagnostic framework for biodiversity decision-making assessment) of the PLANET4B project summarises the results of nearly one and a half years of intensive methodological research. This comprehensive study proposes a methodological framework that helps examine decision-making and influencing decisions about biodiversity by involving numerous scientific disciplines. The transdicipinary diagnostic framework proposed by PLANET4B uses the "conscious full spectrum response" model* to connect different disciplinary frameworks in the project to emphasise transformative design. The report provides researchers in [...]


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