Research report

Report on pre-test and pre-validation of contextualised intervention methods

Behaviour intersectionality research
2024. 05. 24.
1,1 MB
Corresponding author: Alex Franklin

This report documents the internal PLANET4B process of selecting, pre-testing, adapting and aligning individual research-based intervention methods to the eleven individual case studies. 

It provides an overview of how the task of aligning intervention methods to intersectional and biodiversity challenges of individual case studies was managed by the Task leads and engaged with by the wider consortium, including through a range of collective – online, offline, in-person, plenary, small-group – and independent case study level working.

The overview is complimented by a more detailed account of the approach taken to

  • developing three experiential games,
  • contextualising the framing, nudging and other heuristics, and
  • integrating key biodiversity foci in the deliberative, creative and arts-based methods, in accordance with the specificities of the individual cases.