
Common language and working method – the key to successful research

The success of any research is based on well-defined theories and on the accurate methodology used by the researchers. But working on transdisciplanry researches can be a special challange.

The aim of the joint working methodology is to understand each other’s knowledge base, mindset and expectations, so that project partners (academics, practice partners and societal stakeholders) can work effectively on common research topics. To address this challenge, social science theories and methodologies applied in the project were debated in a workshop to explore their practical implications for research, interventions, policy, and communication.

Our latest report summarises the process and outcomes of the workshop series and provides a guidance for transdisciplinary projects like PLANET4B, helping to inform interventions, guide research activities, understand theory-policy connections, and facilitate intra- and extra-project communication.

If this is not the time to go into a detailed analysis, read the brief report.