Project documents

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Latest documents

  • Behaviour intersectionality research

    “One key challenge is the deep level of engagement required by stakeholders (especially members of the Learning Communities). As no financial incentives are provided to participants, their motivation to get engaged depends mostly on how well the learning objectives align with their aspirations.” - highlights the lead researcher in the report of establishing Learning Communities [...]

  • Behaviour Policy

    The document summarises the results of the workshop on ‘theory of commonalities and conflicts’. The report provides a methodological description of the two-day workshop, where participants analysed the case studies of the project, using creative methods and an interactive approach. Which areas connecting strongly to biodiversity are covered in the case studies? What sort of [...]

  • Behaviour Biodiversity

    Read about our latest analysis 'Directory of key methods most suitable for biodiversity decision-making contexts' in brief which presents a unique collection of 100 different methods for improving biodiversity decision-making and a new Reflexivity-Contextualisation Matrix.  

  • Behaviour Biodiversity
    Research report

    This report introduces a directory of 100 key intervention methods most suitable for biodiversity decision making contexts, organised across three main categories: experiential games; framing and nudging experiments; and creative, arts-based and deliberative methods.  

  • Behaviour Biodiversity
    Research report

    To tackle this interlinkage of inequalities in the field of biodiversity, PLANET4B aims at utilizing the concept of intersectionality. Intersectionality highlights that race, gender, disability, sexuality, class, age, and other social categories are interrelated and lead to different levels of power and oppression influenced by forces like colonialism and neoliberalism.  

  • Behaviour Biodiversity Policy
    Research report

    Using biodiversity to persuade: A discourse analysis

    The meaning we assign to the world around us influences the way we behave and treat things. Therefore, it is of great importance to better understand how society views and understands fundamental challenges of our time, such as biodiversity loss. This knowledge will help to make social, political, or economic interventions more effective in preserving and enhancing biodiversity and also help communicate adequately about the issue of biodiversity loss. The [...]

  • Behaviour Biodiversity Policy
    Research report

    The report collects and classifies a range of frameworks, theories, models, and concepts across a gradient of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional levels of intervention to provide an inventory of behavioural- and social science theories. This can give insights about disciplinary assumptions about behaviour and decision-making that may influence biodiversity.

  • Behaviour Biodiversity Policy
    Workshop report

    Despite the potential of the framework, empirical applications of leverage points to test different types of interventions to trigger behavioural change towards biodiversity prioritisation, across sectors, geographies, and intersectionality dimensions, remain either largely absent or very fragmented. Thus, it is relevant to assess and collate theories of behaviour, decision-making and change for better understanding how they can inform biodiversity decision-making and action. This report presents the details of PLANET4B’s workshop on [...]