Project documents

Read and download the materials, reports and publications developed throughout the project.

Latest documents

  • Behaviour Biodiversity intersectionality research

    This deliverable describes the process of developing a transdisciplinary diagnostic framework for biodiversity decision-making carried out in Work Package 1 of the EU funded research project PLANET4B. The aim of the process was to help researchers and practitioners in our project become more conscious of the theoretical approaches and languages that may condition the interventions [...]

  • Behaviour Biodiversity brief intersectionality

    Brief workshop report

    One of PLANET4B's working hypotheses is that societies need transformative change to halt and reverse the alarming rates of biodiversity loss. To address this need, PLANET4B has been analysing, testing, developing and synthesising intervention methods that go beyond traditional approaches (e.g. laws and regulations, markets and incentives, information) and can be implemented within the project’s case [...]

  • Behaviour Biodiversity intersectionality

    One of PLANET4B's working hypotheses is that societies need transformative change to halt and reverse the alarming rates of biodiversity loss. To address this need, PLANET4B has been working on analysing, testing, developing and synthesising intervention methods that go beyond traditional approaches (e.g., laws and regulations, markets and incentives, information) and can be implemented within [...]

  • intersectionality Policy research
    Research brief

    Explore the innovative approach of PLANET4B in addressing biodiversity loss through an intersectional lens. This policy brief unveils a methodological framework that recognizes the interconnectedness of race, gender, disability, sexuality, class, age, and other social categories in understanding and addressing biodiversity challenges. Gain valuable insights, practical approaches, and key findings to guide future research and promote environmental and social justice.   Download the presentation on the topic.

  • Policy
    Research brief

    Building strong collaborations for transformative change

    Summary of the Synergies Strategy of the PLANET4B project with open call for collaboration. Download the corresponding presentation.  

  • Behaviour Biodiversity
    Research brief

    Read about our latest analysis 'Directory of key methods most suitable for biodiversity decision-making contexts' in brief which presents a unique collection of 100 different methods for improving biodiversity decision-making and a new Reflexivity-Contextualisation Matrix.  

  • Behaviour Biodiversity Policy
    Research brief

    Short summary of the Report on biodiversity and related concepts perceptions. Download the corresponding presentation.  

  • Behaviour Biodiversity Policy
    Research brief

    PLANET4B partners, including both researchers and practitioners, made an inventory of theories potentially applicable for influencing decisionmaking relevant to biodiversity.  Read about it in nutshell.