Project documents

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Latest documents

  • Behaviour Biodiversity intersectionality research

    This report summarises the results of system mapping and leverage points from all case studies conducted within the PLANET4B project, which aims to foster transformative change in biodiversity decision-making. […]

  • Behaviour Biodiversity brief intersectionality

    The document provides a brief summary of the Report on pre-test and pre-validation of contextualised intervention methods, which describes and analyses the methodologies applied, pre-tested, and adapted by the PLANET4B case studies.

  • Behaviour Biodiversity research

    The aim of the joint working methodology is to understand each other's knowledge base, mindset and expectations, so that project partners (academics, practice partners and societal stakeholders) can work effectively on common research topics. To address this challenge, social science theories and methodologies applied in the project were debated in a workshop to explore their practical [...]

  • Behaviour Biodiversity research
    Workshop report

    The aim of the joint working methodology is to understand each other's knowledge base, mindset and expectations, so that project partners (academics, practice partners and societal stakeholders) can work effectively on common research topics. To address this challenge, social science theories and methodologies applied in the project were debated in a workshop to explore their practical implications for research, interventions, policy, and communication. The report summarises the process and outcomes of [...]

  • Behaviour Biodiversity intersectionality
    Workshop report

    One of PLANET4B's working hypotheses is that societies need transformative change to halt and reverse the alarming rates of biodiversity loss. To address this need, PLANET4B has been working on analysing, testing, developing and synthesising intervention methods that go beyond traditional approaches (e.g., laws and regulations, markets and incentives, information) and can be implemented within the project’s case studies.  To learn about the potential tools facilitating transformative change at various [...]

  • Behaviour Policy
    Workshop report

    The document summarises the results of the workshop on ‘theory of commonalities and conflicts’. The report provides a methodological description of the two-day workshop, where participants analysed the case studies of the project, using creative methods and an interactive approach. Which areas connecting strongly to biodiversity are covered in the case studies? What sort of creative methods did the participants used so far to develop each case study? Which theories [...]

  • Behaviour Biodiversity Policy
    Workshop report

    Despite the potential of the framework, empirical applications of leverage points to test different types of interventions to trigger behavioural change towards biodiversity prioritisation, across sectors, geographies, and intersectionality dimensions, remain either largely absent or very fragmented. Thus, it is relevant to assess and collate theories of behaviour, decision-making and change for better understanding how they can inform biodiversity decision-making and action. This report presents the details of PLANET4B’s workshop on [...]